Monday, March 22, 2010

How much is too much?

Miracle of all miracles! I subbed today, and thought far enough ahead to pack my computer JUST IN CASE I had some time to write. So, I found my character in a bit of a pickle with some time spent alone with her boyfriend. Then I found myself in a bit of a pickle because I wasn't sure that is where I wanted to take her! So, I began to wonder, how much is too much? I guess I better specify that this project is a YA Lit novel and taking it too far is not really okay in my book. Then I thought, how many kids get caught up in these same situations and really do go too far? Only to find that they are not ready? I think I have it resolved so that both the characters and the story can remain true to themselves, and I can remain true to me. We will see. I found myself texting my sister to ask her what she thought. I will send her the chapter this evening so she can critique it for me for real.

Seriously though, how much is too much? Outside of the romance world and in the YA Lit genre, can one get away with a semi-graphic sexual encounter? Does it add or take away? Can it work? Maybe I should research that.

1 comment:

  1. Jen,

    I think it depends what age group you're targeting and also if they group you're writing for has a particular religious affiliation ie LDS. I read a YA book earlier this year called Twisted that I thought was almost adult sexually explicit, but due to the content and plotline it was obvious the book was targeting older teens 17, 18 years old. If you're writing for the younger set 13, 14 then probably tone it down quite a bit.
